Meet the Board of Directors
Rene Lee 970-221-0997
Tom Peacock
Paul Skinger
The Livermore Community Club is a non profit organization that maintains the Livermore Community Hall. The hall is located two miles west of HWY 287 on County Road 74E ( Red Feather Lakes Road) in northern Colorado.
This building is rented to community members and others at a minimal fee for many types of events.
LCH is most often used for meetings, dances, weddings, reunions, parties, memorial services, concerts, craft fairs and is available when the local fire departments need a space for head quarters during emergencies.
Some of our regular events are our Annual Valentine's Dance that is the Saturday before Valentine's Day or Saturday the 14th of February. We have also had Farmers Markets and Junk in the Trunk events. The Livermore Woman's Club often has wonderful programs, such as a Vintage Fashion Show and Reintroduction of Wolves to Yellowstone.
Check our Scheduled Events to see what other great events we may be having or available dates for your event.
Thanks to the wonderful people who purchased a brick or two we were able to replace our gate with this amazing gate that truly makes a statement.
Our next work day is to be announced.
Volunteers needed.
Ram Glass has done a wonderful job installing our new windows and front door. If you have any glass needs call them at 970-207-1914.
Christmas in July Arts & Craft Fair